Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Here for but a fleeting moment... spot of news for today is that my interview tomorrow has been arranged for 8am.

What is that?!

8am is a ridiculous hour - I'm normally just leaving the house then!! Anyway, 8am it is, and it should give me enough space to get to work on time so that I'm not cramming stuff in in the afternoon.

Another spot of news - right this very minute I am road-testing the Strawberry sugar-free Strepsils lozenges. Very impressed. Am keen on going sugar-free when it comes to throat lozenges etc, and was becoming a bit disillusioned with the lemon/lime/honey flavour (whatever it was..?). So strawberry it is. Kind of tastes like the strawberry chupa chup! Please note, the "strawberry", not the "strawberry and creme"...


Anonymous said...

so you had your wisdom teeth out yet? belive me it's not the best experience.
seya matt

Smee said...

Nope... I hate to say it, but I'm trying to put it off as much as possible!! Have another appointment tomorrow night, then will need to go for a consultation re the infamous wisdom teeth in about 2 weeks, so that's probably putting my wisdom teeth at being extricated early August...