Monday, July 18, 2005

Oh my!

Rock-climbing was a *blast*!!! We had so much fun!! We also discovered that there are a bunch of spiders in our youth group posing as kids...

There were 20 of us, we rocked up, basically took over the venue, and had an absolute ball. It was great seeing the kids do something they'd never done before, conquer fears, and boy were they excited! Nearly all of them made it to the roof at one time or another.

Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos (since I, too, was scaling the walls...), but there is plenty of video footage to be had! Not that I can put that on my blog, though. But there you have it! :D A *great* success... so much so, that one of the kids is interested in getting into it on a professional level... He was scary - climbing where there was nothing on the wall?! Very scary to watch...

There is talk of another outing... But maybe after we've done a mess night and covered them in loads of gross stuff! :D

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