Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Study of social intelligence

Perhaps a better title would be "the lack of social intelligence". After a little incident in the office today, courtesy of a lawyer acting for the other side making an extremely insensitive and offensive remark to one of our solicitors, I have decided that a study must be conducted (yes, by yours truly) to try to come to some conclusion as to what it is that makes some people (yes, I'm sure you know *at least* one) apparently totally unaware of what is socially inappropriate to say or do. So look out, world! I will be lurking, notebook in hand, embarking on a journey to discover what it is that lurks in the depths, trudging through the mentality of the seemingly socially decrepit and challenging the mindset of the domineering personages.

1 comment:

Smee said...

I used a form of "lurk" twice! What was I thinking?