Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Brains unite!

Do you ever feel like you're trying to make some changes in your life, but nothing seems to be changing? Sometimes I feel like the brilliant ideas that I have - with my "day/evening" brain - are never put into action because they need to be implemented by my "morning" brain. Needless to say, it seems as though these two brains are part of two entirely separate bodies. Which is why nothing ever changes.

But tomorrow is going to be different. Tomorrow my evening and my morning brains will be in sync. Tomorrow my *consolidated* brain will conquer new heights, break new records and achieve wondrous things. 

Tomorrow, I will get up early. 

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

There's a confession to be made

"Pine nuts (piƱon) (also called Pignoli) are the edible seeds of pines (family Pinaceae, genus Pinus). About 20 species of pine produce seeds large enough to be worth harvesting; in other pines the seeds are also edible, but are too small to be of value as a human food."

Quite frankly, I think I'm addicted. :-|

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Study of social intelligence

Perhaps a better title would be "the lack of social intelligence". After a little incident in the office today, courtesy of a lawyer acting for the other side making an extremely insensitive and offensive remark to one of our solicitors, I have decided that a study must be conducted (yes, by yours truly) to try to come to some conclusion as to what it is that makes some people (yes, I'm sure you know *at least* one) apparently totally unaware of what is socially inappropriate to say or do. So look out, world! I will be lurking, notebook in hand, embarking on a journey to discover what it is that lurks in the depths, trudging through the mentality of the seemingly socially decrepit and challenging the mindset of the domineering personages.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Whinging and complaining in the name of journalism

Every day I catch the train to and from work. Every day on the way home (should I actually manage to leave at a reasonable time..!) there is a free paper that anyone can pick up call the MX. After trawling through the regurgitated news that I have managed to keep abreast of throughout the day, and deliberately avoiding the random celebrity sections, there, either side of the sport section (which is also avoided, except for, when relevant, the Tour de France) is a page where people can write in and have their little 9 seconds of fame.

To scoot to what I'm actually intending to talk about, is the section "Vent your spleen". And vent, is what the people do. Why is that people feel like they need to complain about every single little thing that could potentially vex them? They complain about someone hitting them with their bag, someone standing on their shoe, someone's breathing habits and anything else that catches their fancy. What I would like to know, is that if they feel like they have been polite in their restraint, why is their restraint not complete? Why do they still feel like they have to vent?! It either only serves to be ignored by those who don't realise what they're doing, or make those self-conscious about their behaviour paranoid! I did read a comment someone had put in one day along this line... Simply that so many people complained about so many different things that nobody felt they could do anything without being scrutinised.

This is my proposal: That people should be more understanding of those around them. That people should not feel as though it is their right to dress someone else down for something that irritates them. That if everyone preferred everyone else about themselves, there would be nothing to submit to the paper.

And then I woke up. And realised I was dreaming.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Growing friends

Ever had a friend who makes you feel like you want to be a better person? Not just any random person, but a better version of yourself? I like these kind of friends. Sometimes it's interesting though, 'cos it means that the occasional conversation is challenging. Or even downright annoying. That's not to say I don't appreciate it, 'cos I do. And I'm sure I don't seem appreciative in the moment of being questioned about why I think about something the way I do. But honestly, I am appreciative. So, thanks. For growing me. For making me dissatisfied with where I am.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The return!

It's been a while, but I thought it was about time to resurrect my blog, if only to amuse myself. So welcome. I'll try to make it entertaining, informative and somewhat educational.