Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I wish tomorrow was my birthday. I just had this sudden urge to have a celebration. That is all about me. :D In short, the only option available is a birthday, and sadly, mine was 3 months (nearly 4!) ago... My brother's birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks - his 29th! Wow. I remember when he turned 12 and I was so jealous because he was older than me and seemed like he had so much fun. Now he's just old. And married. :D

It's Nomes' birthday this weekend... Not a big one, just 23, but still... I still haven't got V a pressie for her b'day yet, and that was in May! She's difficult to buy for - no *particular* interests or quirks that stand out and kind of lead you towards ideas... Except chocolate. But that kind of wears when its your only option. Hmm...

Oh, speaking of chocolate, bought one of the normal-sized Boost bars tonight. Not a fan. Too much chocolate, and not enough...something else... Just felt like there was something missing. Lacking a balance of something somewhere that left my palate wanting... or rather - not wanting! Fooded out after that...

Maybe I should just invite some ppl over for a BBQ or something? And mention that it's my un-birthday? :D Any excuse for a gathering...

And yes, I do realise that tonight I am particularly more scatterbrained than normal...

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