Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Style of Life

That's right, my style of life (not really my "lifestyle") is about to change quite dramatically. For many reasons, some of which may not exactly appeal to you, I have decided to quit my full-time job, take a bit of a break until about Feb 2005 and then hit the part-time working trail. All of this is in pursuit of the completely satisfying world of music composition. Hurrah!

Some would say this new venture is quite brave of me - venturing out into the unknown, no strings attached, burning my bridge(s)...

And the others (i.e. those who don't think it's brave) either think I am silly and will go running back to my job within a month, or are quite happy for me to do whatever it is that I want to do. "You're young..." they say, as though they had *expected* me to up and quit my job and run away with some foreigner...

But obviously those of you who know me (and are familiar with my innermost workings) know that I will only be happy if I have the time I need to do what it is I love... i.e. the universal language.

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