Thursday, September 14, 2006

Me Tarzan, she Jane!!

Ah, my dear friend Jane. :D

Fondest of memories - where shall I begin? Let's start at the very beginning . . .

Way back when, I was working in St Kilda Road. I had been working for about 6 months, and along came a new girl to sit opposite me. My local HR representative had obviously done the tour, etc, and introduced us. I was very polite, and only gave the general pleasantries. However, when the HR woman walked away . . .

Up popped this head, which said "Now that Heather's gone, we can talk!" and thus proceeded a great deluge of verbal diarrhoea which resulted in Jane (who, oddly enough, is quite outgoing but couldn't get a word in) and me (i.e. Tarzan!) becoming fast friends. :D

Now, I have mellowed. A little. :D Just ask me.

Jane and I caught up for a lovely little dinner last night. Reminiscing old days, catching up on all the news and visting what has, I think, become a tradition for us - Max Brenner!

What delight. :D

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I have been moved to another floor...again.

Let's see if I get this right. I started my job in June last year. In my *first week* I moved from Level 47 to Level 49. In ... February? I moved from Level 49 to Level 44. A few weeks ago I moved from Level 44 to Level 46. And... Friday I moved from Level 46 to Level 49. In two weeks I'll be moving back to Level 46.

Why??!! I hear you ask. Well...

All of the moves have been refurbishment-related, except for the last two (i.e. move to Level 49 and back). I am currently working on a matter that I can't speak to anyone about, and I have to avoid a certain bunch of people on my floor. So, I am sitting up on Level 49, smack-bang in the middle of the national management team. Oh, it's all happening here. :D No more footy in the corridors, yelling across the office, or playing music on my PC.

No,'s all very serious. And quiet.

But a nice view. I can see a marina - and the Shrine! Oh, and the flag at the Governor's house - well, if he was home I would see the flag at the Governor's house...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The many names of Suz

Well, today I have a new nickname. Super-Suz. :D Tee hee!

This is to be added to my already impressive collection: Suz; Suzbegoose(r); the Suzinator; Snooze; ... hmm... and the rest escape me for now...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Contact has been made

His name is Jonathan. And that's about as far as we got. :D

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Lookalike contest

I just figured out who train guy looks like! Stephen Quartermain!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Oh the shame. Today is Tuesday and I *still* haven't spoken to train guy... Here is my saga.

For those of you who are unaware, our lovely local train folk currently have an ad campaign called Don't hold others back. Although it's not really obvious from the advertisements, the general gist they're trying to get across is that the trains are running late because of us. The people who catch them every day. Funny that. How many *gazillions* of people use public transport in Japan every *minute*. And what's with them thinking that if a train is running less than 6 minutes overdue, it's still ON TIME??!! Hmmm...

Enough venting. Here is my story.

Yesterday (Monday) I arrived at the train station *slightly* rushed, and I did the whole dive for the train door (as it was beeping). While two people on the inside of the carriage, and myself on the outside, were trying to keep the doors open so I could get in, the "Don't hold others back" advert ran through my head. And I let the door go.

I was infuriated.

1. At myself for being in that position - I would rather completely miss the train than be there at the door going for the dive.

2. At the train folk for blaming the infrequency and unreliability of our public transport system on the users - as opposed to them always running late.

3. At the station attendant on the platform who walked past quite smugly as I vented.

4. At the people on the opposite platform who witnessed part of my venting as the train departed.


It happened again today.

You cannot be in any doubt as to how infuriated I was today. For it to happen again. To go for the dive. Although today, it was a new train, so there was no handle.

There were only people. People who, like me, follow routine, and so no doubt saw me going for the dive yesterday as well.

To do it once is understandable. To do it twice - and on consecutive days - is plain foolishness.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Train guy

I, like most people who get the train into the city, have a bit of a routine I follow. I usually get the 8.03am train, from a particular station, and I always stand in the same place on the platform and get on the same carriage, same door each day. Funnily enough, so does the "train guy". I have a train guy that I get the train with each day - we travel on the train together, not speaking, not making eye contact, then walking down the street to our respective buildings - which, funnily enough, are opposite each other. The scary thing is that for quite a few months we were getting the train together morning *and* night... Same time, same carriage, same door. Day in, day out.

Now, I've got a bit of a reputation for talking to people I don't know, so on Wednesday I put my foot down. I vowed to some of the girls at work that I would speak to him the next time I saw him on the train. I figure we get the train together each day, he doesn't have someone to talk to (or something to read), and I'm not exactly shy, so I thought I would strike up a conversation. If he thinks it's too odd, then that's fine - I'll just say hi every now and again and leave it at that.

Yesterday the opportunity presented itself. As I righted myself and donned my coat and scarf (since I usually run to the station with them in my arms so I don't miss the train) I realised I was actually quite nervous about talking to him. Realising how ridiculous this was and, of course, perplexed at my response to the situation, I began analysing my feelings and questioning myself as to why I was so nervous and gathering up my courage.

In the minute that it took me to run all this through my head, the train arrived and we ended up standing in different spots.


Today was a new day, so I decided to give it another go and to jump at the chance.

He wasn't on the train.

I guess there's always Monday. :D


Some more trivia from Suz's (momentarily) uneventful life.

Last thing I ate: A cracker biscuit to keep my stomach quiet- will be "lunching" shortly.
Last CD I bought: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Beatles, for those who are uneducated)
Last time I did my hair: Yesterday morning. Made an effort for a corporate function.
How I drink my coffee: Black. And as strong as it comes. Funny how it's changed since I came back from Europe!
View from my desk: (1) Internally - I can see about halfway down a corridor to nothing much, lots of glass and a couple of people sitting in offices, a coat tree, a couple of people sitting in open plan, and Hank, my camel. :D (2) Externally - I can see about the top quarter of the Melbourne Central tower, a floor of the BHP building, about half of the Commonwealth Building, most of the Rialto, and everything in between, a bit of the Westgate and a couple of other buildings that aren't important enough to rate a mention.

Here's something you may not know. I hate black pens. I can't stand them. Of course, if I *have* to write in black pen, I will, but especially if it's something like a card or a letter or something, I will refuse to write in black pen - I would rather through the hassle of going out and buying a new pen than write with a black one. Having said that, I also hate biros. Sometimes I put up with them if it's all I have - however, you can imagine the situation if I encounter only having access to a black biro... It's disaster...

Spring has sprung!

Welcome, dear spring. I have long awaited the days of short-sleeve t-shirts - with long-sleeve shirts underneath in the mornings, rain so persistent my backyard is one big puddle, wind so violent you can't wear a skirt, sunny afternoons that are freezing and, of course, the spring racing carnival.


Spring in Melbourne - you wouldn't miss it for the world!